1. The hidrolik pipe Bender bisa ngabengkokkeun pipe gampang jeung silinder.
2. The hidrolik pipe Bender boga rupa molds ngabengkokkeun pipe dina sagala rupa ukuran.
3. HB-12 boga genep maot ngawengku: 1/2 ", 3/4", 1-1/4 ", 1", 1-1/2 ", 2"
4. HB-16 boga 8 maot ngawengku: 1/2 ", 3/4", 1-1 / 4 ", 1", 1-1 / 2 ", 2", 2-1 / 2 ", 3"
Modél | Max. tekanan (ton) | Max. Ram neunggeul (mm) | NW/GW(Kg) | Ukuran bungkusan (cm) |
HB-12 | 12 | 240 | 40/43 | 63 x57 x18 |
HB-16 | 16 | 240 | 85/88 | 82 x 62 x 24 |