Radial Arm Drilling Machine ZQ3050×16

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Litšobotsi tse ka sehloohong tsa ts'ebetso: Phetiso ea mochine Mochine oa ho koala Lebelo la mochine Lebelo la mochini ho tloha le ho lulisa Fepa ka ho iketsa Sehlahisoa lintlha tse kholo tsa tekheniki TLHALOSO ZQ3050×16 Max.drilling dia (mm) 50 Distance from spindle axis and column surface(mm) 260-1150 Distance between spindle axis and column surface (mm) 360-1600 Spindle leeto (mm) 210 Spindle cone(MT) 5 Spindle speed range (rpm) 78, 135,240,350,590,1100 Spindle speed step 6 Spindle f...

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Litšobotsi tse kholo tsa ts'ebetso:

Phetiso ea mechine
Mochini oa clamping
Lebelo la mochini
Ho tloha ka ho iketsa le ho theosa
Phepelo e iketsang

Sehlahisoa ka sehloohong tekheniki parameters

Max.drilling dia (mm) 50
Sebaka se hole le axis ea spindle le columnar surface(mm) 260-1150
Sebaka se pakeng tsa axis ea spindle le kholomo (mm) 360-1600
Leeto la spindle (mm) 210
Spindle cone(MT) 5
Sebaka sa lebelo la spindle (rpm) 78, 135,240,350,590,1100
Mohato oa lebelo la spindle 6
Mefuta ea phepelo ea spindle (rpm) 0.10-0.56
Mohato oa ho fepa ka spindle 6
Rocker rotary angle (°) ±90°
Matla a motlakase (kw) 4
Movements motor power (kw) 1.5
Boima (kg) 2500
Kakaretso ea boholo (mm) 2170×950×2450

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