CNC Gantry Miihini Miihini X2014

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Wae Whakatakotoranga X2010 X2012 X2014 Max. haere Te roa mm 2000/3000/4000 Whānui mm 1300 1400 1800 Teitei mm 1000 1000/1200 Tawhiti i waenganui i nga pou mm 1440 1600 1920 Rahi ripanga Te roa mm 2000/3000/402 1400 Te tere kai tepu Whangai mm/min 20-360 25-450 Haere tere mm/min 1050 1300 Miro taper 7:24, ISO50 Te tere porowhita r/min 6 kaupae 82-505 Koki hurihuri hurihuri ±35° Te tere whangai o te upoko mira mm I te taha o te tereina whakawhiti: 65/320/890...

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua


Whakatakotoranga Waeine X2010 X2012 X2014
Max. haere Te roa mm 2000/3000/4000
Whānui mm 1300 1400 1800
Teitei mm 1000 1000/1200
Te tawhiti i waenga i nga pou mm 1440 1600 1920
Rahi tepu Te roa mm 2000/3000/4000
Whānui mm 1000 1250 1400
Te tere kai tepu Whangai mm/min 20-360 25-450
Haere tere mm/min 1050 1300
Taper porowhita 7:24, ISO50
Te hikoi tere hurihuri r/min 6 kaupae 82-505
Koki porohurihuri ±35°
Te tere whangai o te upoko mira mm I te taha o te reera whiti:65/320/890Mahunga mira taha:50/265/730
Te kaha o te nekeneke porowhita kw 7.5
Te kaha o te motini tepu kw 4/5.5/7.5 5.5/7.5(3000/4000)
Rahi whānui Te roa mm 4550/7000/9000 5000/7000/9000
Whānui mm 3200 3550
Teitei mm 2550 2950/3150

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