hlau txiav tshuab hacksaw
Ntau cov qauv tsim qauv: Nws cov khoom siv hluav taws xob tseem ceeb tau teeb tsa sab hauv, yog li muab nws lub ntsej muag zoo nkauj thiab ua kom pom yog tias muaj kev nyab xeeb heev
Qib ceev rau xaiv: nws muaj peb theem ceev rau xaiv raws li qhov tseeb ntau lawm
dav txiav Scope
V-shaped kis tau tus mob txoj siv: nws ua haujlwm ntau nyob ntsiag to (tsis nrov tshaj 74 db)
Qauv | G7016 |
Txiav Capacity (round / square) (mm) | Φ160/160x160 |
Hack saw hniav (mm) | 350 x 25 x 1.25 mm |
Number of reciprocating motion | 85 / min |
Hniav stroke ntev (mm) | 100-190 Nws |
Electric Tsav ib theem lossis 3 theem (kw) | 0.37 ib |
Coolant twj tso kua mis | CB-K1.2J iav twj tso kua mis |
Tshuab Net Nyhav / GW (kg) | 160/190 ib |
Zuag qhia tag nrho dimension (LXWXH) (mm) | 910x330x640 ua |
Ntim (LxWxH) (mm) | 100 x 430 x 765 |